
Inspiration for a new stage outfit:

Katzi Reiter by 120 DEN

found footage: Sheila Legge, who caused a sensation in Trafalgar Square in 1936 at the opening of the „International Surrealist Exhibition“ in London’s New Burlington Galleries with her performance „Surrealist Phantom of Sex Appeal“. She wore a long white dress and wore an artificial leg in front of her. Her head was veiled in a bouquet of roses. 

120 DEN – Poster: Interpretation of Katzi Reiter from the series Window Shopping to 10 a.m. by Martin Kippenberger

Katzi Reiter by 120 DEN

photo by Jörg Obergfell

How to train your third leg, 120 DEN, Tina Tonagel, Gesine Grundmann, Conny Crumbach, Britta Fehrmann, Schaufensterbein, Schaufensterpuppenbein, Damendekobein, Schaufensterbein, Mannequin leg, Performance, selbstgebaute Instrumente, selfmade instruments

How to change the battery in your leg

Wiring diagrams

Comparing poti positions