Noise of Cologne 3

With „Auf der Rosenspur“ we are part of the Sampler Noise of Cologne 3 (VÖ 4.04.2024) and were mentioned in The Wire.
120 DEN – Liveprogrammdocumentation 2022
MEX at Künstlerhaus Dortmund 2022
MEX is a concert series for experimental electronic music at the Dortmunder Künstlerhaus. We were invited to perform at the 30th anniversary celebration.Photos by Bernhard Kreutzer
MS Stubnitz 2022
We were invited by anachronism to play at Schwankhalle in Bremen and MS Stubnitz in Hamburg. ‚Anachronism‘ is a platform for forms of musical excess, inconsistently curated, with three to four projects per evening. They range from improvisation to conceptual sound art, from experimental sounds and fluid sound structures to noise banging. Shots by MS Stubnitz
Shiny Toys Festival 2021
120 DEN live as headliner at Shiny Toys Festival 2021 in Ringlockschuppen, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr. Some pictures from our show – photos by Daniel Maszkowicz
#120 DEN #connycrumbach #brittafehrmann #gesinegrundmann #tinatonagel
lab.30 Festival, Augsburg 2021
Montage from our Show at lab.30
Shiny Toys 2020 – Festival für distanzüberbrückende Experimentalkultur
120 DEN was invited to the Shiny Toys Festival 2020. Due to Corona only online:
Our contribution to the NIME 2020
120 DEN was invited to the NIME Conference 2020 at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Because of Corona the conference will only be held online and instead of playing live, we produced a video.
An excerpt about us in the new grapfruits, a Fanzine on Female* Composers and Sound Artists
written by Helene Heuser
Soldering in Neuer Kunstraum Düsseldorf during Tina’s exhibition
Impressions from our video shooting, shot by Christa Marek
120 DEN at Containerklang#12: Extentions, Artheater Köln
invited by kgnm (Kölner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik). Dec 1th, 2019

120 DEN, Tina Tonagel, Gesine Grundmann, Conny Crumbach, Britta Fehrmann, Schaufensterbein, Schaufensterpuppenbein, Damendekobein, Schaufensterbein, Mannequin leg, Performance, selbstgebaute Instrumente, selfmade instruments
Rehearsal in Tina’s studio

The technical hole of Brittas Schaufensterpuppenbein is too small.
tina tonagel, conny crumbach, gesine grundmann, britta fehrmann, 4 frauen, 12 beine, 120 den, noise frauen band, experimentalmusik, elektronische musik, selbstgebaute instrumente, do-it-yourself music, beine als instrumente
120 DEN – Liveprogrammdocumentation 2022